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Amethyst Description

 Amethyst Description

Frequently called the “The Stone of Peace”, Amethyst is the most highly valued stone in the quartz group.  It has a Greek etymology from the word “amethystos”, which translates to “not drunken”.  This semiprecious stone that can found anywhere in the world, was often worn in Ancient Greece to fight off the effects of alcohol to prevent drunkenness.  Although the purple Amethyst is most commonly known, the quartz will sometimes be a reddish or bluish purple. When it is heat treated it changes from purple to a yellow, orange or brown and is often mistaken for Citrine.





In ancient Rome and ancient Greece, the quartz’s power was used to fight off the effects of alcohol due to the belief that drinking with an Amethyst cup or drinking with the quartz in your mouth would keep the drinker sober. The Greeks believed that the quartz was created when the Goddess Diana turned into a white stone after Dionysus called to her, but she did not answer, so he cried into his wine and spilled it onto the stone turning it purple.  The Romans also believed that the stone could ward off the seductions of the Roman god of wine, Bacchus.


The Ancient Egyptians believed that Amethyst protected the wearer from harm.  The Christian Church references the stone many times in the Bible as a representation for piety and celibacy.  The quartz has been favored by royalty and clergy as a symbol for the deity of Christ and is used in the rings of Bishops.  Leonardo Davinci thought that Amethyst could be used to quicken intelligence and rid the mind of evil thought due to the stone’s purity. 



Metaphysical Properties


·         High Vibration Stone, Powerful and Protective

·         Guards Against Psychic Attack

·         Transmute Energy into Love

·         Blocks Geopathic Stress and Negative Environmental Energies

·         Enhances Spiritual Awareness

·         Supports Sobriety and Defeat Additions

·         Creates Tranquility During Meditation

·         Aids In Focus and Decision Making

·         Alleviates Insomnia and Reduces Recurring Nightmares

·         Promotes Motivation and Goal setting.

·         Dispels Anger, Rage, Fear and Anxiety

·         Reduces Sadness and Grief

·         Stimulates Spiritual Wisdom, Intuition and Physic Gifts

·         Fosters Intuitive Dreams and Out of Body Experiences



·         Powerful Protective Stone

·         Promotes Balance, Unity, Peace, and Spiritual Evolution

·         Encourages Clearer Understanding of your Life Experience for Higher Wisdom



·         Soothes and Calms the Mind

·         Offers Compassion and Forgiveness

·         Promotes Self-Love, Self-Esteem, and Self-Value

·         Allows Oneself to View Life Experiences from Higher Perspective



·         Gentle Vibrations Help with Daily Stresses and Common Anxiety

·         Promotes Living in the Moment

·         Helps Find and Maintain Healthy Loving Relationships

·         Helps Rid Yourself of Negative Energies


Physical Healing


·         Boosts Hormone Production

·         Improves The Immune System

·         Tunes The Endocrine System and Metabolism

·         Relieves Physical and Emotional Stress

·         Releases Tension and Alleviates Headaches

·         Cleanses The Aura

·         Reduces Bruises, Injuries and Swelling

·         Treats Hearing Disorders

·         Heals Diseases of The Lungs and Respiratory Tract, Skin Conditions and Digestive Tract

·         Eases The Transition Through Death



·         Best Booster of Hormone Production

·         Ultimate Sleep Aid



·         Helps Overcome Addiction

·         Boosts the Immune System

·         Relieves Headaches, Insomnia and Stress Related Disorders



·         Great for Overall Healing and General Healing

·         Aids in Detoxifying

·         Treats Ulcers, Blockages and Growths

·         Neutralizes Acids, Burns and Skin Disorders

·         Helps to Heal Issues and Illnesses of the Lungs and Heart





·         Purple – Crown

·         Pink – Heart

·         Green – Heart


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