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Ametrine Description

Ametrine Description

Also called bolivianite because it was originally discovered in Bolivia, ametrine is a combination of the amethyst and citrine gemstones.  The differing colors are due to the state of iron presence in each part of the stone as amethyst segment is unoxidized and the citrine segment is oxidized.  The purple and yellow (or sometime orange) crystal is translucent and often present in jewelry with an emerald cut to illustrate the separation of each color.  Because it is only sourced from the Anahi mine in southeast Bolivia, this stone is rare and currently is produced with a finite quantity.


Ametria’s legend starts about 400 years in the past when the indigenous Ayoreo people of Bolivia knew of the gemstone, Ametrine, well before any European settlers.  It is believed that a Spanish soldier, Don Felipe de Urriola y Goitia fell in love with the princess of the Ayoreo tribe and she gave him a treasured necklace before he returned to Europe.  When Don Felipe returned, he handed over the beautiful and unique necklace to the Spanish Queen which was its first introduction to Europe.  The stone was first mined and rediscovered in the 1960s and was back on the market with jewelry in the 1970s.

Metaphysical Properties

• Connects Physical Reals with High Consciousness

• Facilitates and Protects During Astral Travel

• Promotes Spiritual Insight

• Wards Off Psychic Attack

• Energizes Aura

• Brings Serenity and Calms the Mind

• Enhances Tolerance and Acceptance of Others

• Delivers Mental and Spiritual Clarity

• Disperses Negative from the Aura

• Supports Creativity

• Strengthens Concentration and Aids in Focus

• Bring Insight into Underlying Causes of Emotional Distress

• The Mixture of The Two Crystals Combines the Powers of Both  

Physical Healing

• Blood Cleanser

• Strengthens the Immune System

• Stabilizes DNA and RNA

• Oxygenates the Body

• Heals Chronic Fatigue

• Aides in Healing Depression

• Helps to Overcome Additions

• Increase Mindset to Help with Weight Loss

• Alleviates Allergies


• Solar Plexus

• Crown 

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