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Astrophyllite Description

Astrophyllite Description

Astrophyllite is a hydrous potassium iron titanium silicate mineral that can range in color from golden yellow to dark brown.  This heavy and fragile mineral will usually form as bladed, radiating stellate aggregates that shoot from the center of the stone.  The color and look of the mineral are what give it the name Astrophyllite, which comes from the Greek work Aston, meaning “star”, and phyllon, meaning “leaf”.  The stone has shiny metallic gleaming starbursts that often shoot from the center of the stone.  This mineral is found in cavities and fissures in unusual felsic igneous rocks.  It can be found in a few areas of the world including Quebec, Colorado, Greenland and Norway with some of the finest specimens coming from the northern arctic regions in Russia.  


A relatively new stone in the sense that it has only been around for a couple of centuries.  It was first discovered in 1844 by the Norwegian mineralogist Paul Christian Weibye. Shortly after, Carl Johan August Theodor Scheerer gave the crystal its name in a perfect description to its properties. 

Metaphysical Properties

• Eases High Anxiety

• Increases Energy

• Provides Ability for Thought Decisions

• Harvests Honesty and Fidelity

• Delivers Tranquility and Peace

• Uncovers Latent Truths

• Expands Ability and Journey for Astra Travel, Out of Experiences and Dreams

• Potent Clearer of Obstacles

• Improves  Proficiency For Transforming Circumstances

• Simplifies Understanding of Internal Trust and Self-Love 

Physical Healing

• Helps With the Reproductive System

• Alleviates Issues with Menopause and PMS

• Aids in the Elimination of Fatty Deposits

• Helps Ease Seizure Symptoms

• Relieves Bloating and Helps with Digestive Issues

• Facilitates Alignment of Liver, Pancreas, Spleen and Gall Bladder

• Augments Effects of Acupressure,  Massage and Reiki  


• Third Eye

• Crown

• Capable of Aligning All Chakras

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