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Aventurine Description

Aventurine Description

Sometimes known as the “Stone of Prosperity” or “Stone of Opportunity”, aventurine is a form of quartz.  This quartz is unique due to its translucent character along with the inclusion of platy minerals, which give the crystal a shiny, glittery appearance.  Most aventurine is dark green with tiny visible particles, but it has also found in blue, red, brown and peach.  Derived from Italian language, aventurine translates to “by chance”, a reference to the lucky discovery of the aventurine manmade glass.  The story is told that a worker in Murano allowed copper filings to fall into molten metal creating a manmade glass they soon dubbed aventurine.  The name of the glass passed to the crystal due to their visible similarity.  Aventurine can is a relatively common stone that is produced in Italy, Brazil, China, India, Russia, Tanzania, Chile and Nepal.


Although on recently discovered, Aventurine has been dated back with uncovered artifacts from Ethiopia that are nearly 2.5 million years old.  It was officially discovered in the 18th century.  Although artifacts have been found from Ancient China and Tibet with statues uncovered decorated with the crystals, it is probably most connected with the ancient civilizations of South America.  Up to the 19th century, Aventurine was often called the “Stone of the Amazons”.  The large deposits in Brazil supplied the Amazon warrior queen with the jewels.  

Metaphysical Properties

• Bring Good Luck

• Opens the Doors to Opportunity

• Promotes Stability in Everyday Life

• Clears Blockages that are Preventing Full Potential

• Encourages Facing Difficult Situations


• Creates Feeling of Optimism

• Provides Zest for Life

• Enhances Creativity

• Emphasizes Decisiveness

• Increases leadership qualities

• Releases Stagnant Patterns

• Promotes Growth into New Areas

• Reduces Overthinking

• Inspire Lightheartedness

• Comforts the Hearth 


• Calms and Balances Emotions 

• Steadies the Mind for Better Creativity

• Keeps You Levelheaded 

• Encourages Confidence with New Experiences

• Brings Luck and Prosperity

• High Vibration Stone

• Builds Strength and Security

• Promotes Maturity and Rationality

• Stimulates the Dream States

• Promotes Self Accountability

• Increases Natural Physic Abilities 

Physical Healing

• Balances the Nervous System

• Helps with Fertility Issues Clears Urinary System

• Eases Skin Issues Like Acne and Eczema

• Great for Circulation


• Prevents Arteriosclerosis and Heart Attack

• Helps with Eyesight

• Lessens Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Cerebral Palsy

• Relieves Depression


• Stimulates Metabolism

• Lowers Cholesterol and Blood Pressure

• Aids the Thymus and Nervous System

• Helps With the Adrenals, Sinuses and Lungs

• Strengthen Muscular System and Heart

• Improves Skin Issues

• Lessens Allergic Reactions

• Relieves Migraines and Headaches


• Green – Heart

• Blue – Throat and Third Eye 

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