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Bloodstone Description

Bloodstone Description

Dubbed the “Purification Stone” and sometimes called Heliotrope in ancient times, Bloodstone is a dark green variety of the silica mineral, chalcedony.  Heliotrope, which means “to turn the sun”, has small red splashes on the stone that are present due to the red jasper that is mixed in as part of the stone.  These deep red blood-like colors are what give the stone its name.  It has a slightly transparent coating and is rich in iron.  Bloodstone is a secondary mineral formed in rock or in riverbeds or soils with precipitation.  It can be found anywhere in the world but is mostly sourced in India.    


Bloodstone has been treasured for centuries.  It was used as far back as 5,000 years ago in Mesopotamia, when the stone was dipped in cold water, then put all over the body to promote in circulation.  The belief was that the sun’s power would prevent disease, injury and cure any wound.  They also believed it would help foretell the future.  Ancient Babylonians also believed in the healing power of the stone.  The would were the stone during battle as an aid to heal wound and injuries.  It is possibly most known to be associated with the Christian faith.  Christians believed the stone was originally a completely green stone that was at the basin of Jesus’s cross during his crucifixion.  The red splattering’s are the blood stains from Christ, that marked the stone for the remainder of time.  For this reason, the stone is said to have special powers.  During medieval times, Christians carved scenes of the Crucifixion in the Bloodstone and referred to it as “The Martyr’s Stone”.  

Metaphysical Properties

• Heightens Intuition

• Provides Grounding and Protection

• Increases Creativity 

• Encourages Selflessness

• Inspires You to Be Present in the Moment Assists With Decisions Making

• Draws Off Negative Environmental Energy

• Helps Overcome Geopathic and Electromagnetic Stress

• Stimulates Dreaming

• Prevents Dangerous Situations for Arising

Physical Healing

• Cleanses the Immune System

• Stimulates the Flow of Lymph and Metabolic Processes

• Energizes the Mind and Body from Exhaustion

• Purifies the Blood

• Detoxifies the Liver, Intestines, Spleen, Bladder and Kidneys

• Aids in Circulation

• Treats Anemia


• Root

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