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Carnelian Description

Carnelian Description

Carnelia, sometimes called Cornelia and known as “The Sunset Stone”, is a translucent, semi-precious stone of the silica mineral Chalcedony.  It’s pale orange, yellow, reddish orange and brown colors are existent due to the presence of iron oxide within the mineral.  The name is believed to come from the red-orange color of the Kornel cherry.  Many It can be found in many different locations but is sourced mostly from Brazil, India, Madagascar, Uruguay, Russia and the United States. 


The early findings of the stone date back 4,500 years to the time when ancient Egyptians and Sumerians fashioned Carnelia into body stones.  The ancient Egyptians believed the orange variety was filled with feminine energy and linked it to fertility and the power of the god Isis.  The fierier reddish orange stones were associated with the sun god, Ra.  They believed in the protection and spirituality of the stone and its presence during burials would allow for safe passage into the afterlife.  Ancient Greeks and Romans valued the stone greatly and used it rings and signets.  During the middle ages, the stone boiled with other gemstones to bolster their power.   

Metaphysical Properties

• Generates prosperity

• Grounds and anchors to the present reality

• Stabilizes with high energy

• Restores vitality and motivation

• Stimulates creativity

• Increase sexual energy

• Helps manifest dreams into reality

• Promotes positive life choices

• Protects against envy, rage and resentment

• Creates trust in oneself and one’s perception

• Helps with mental struggles from abuse 

Physical Healing

• Aids in reproductive system 

• Full of life of force and vitality

• Stimulates metabolism

• Purifies blood and increases circulation

• Good for lower back, arthritis, neuralgia, and depression


• Root

• Sacral

• Solar Plexus

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