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Chalcedony Description

Chalcedony Description

In Chakra practices, Chalcedony is commonly called the “Stone of Communication”. Chalcedony, a mix of silica cryptocrystalline and moganite, is the most common mineral found in petrified wood and fossils. In its purest form, Chalcedony is transparent, but it comes in an array of colors including black, blue, brown, green, grey, orange, red, pink, white, yellow and other combinations of colors. It can be found in many areas of the world, but it is most notably produced in Brazil, Russia, Madagascar, Mexico and the United States.


Chalcedony was used in tool making in 32,000 B.C. and uncovered on archaeological digs in Central Australia.  It was also prominent in jewelry worn in Mesopotamia and Ancient Turkey.  We owe the name Chalcedony to the Greek civilization as it is widely accepted that the stone was named after the town of Chalcedon in Asia Minor. The Romans prized Chalcedony by using it to create magic amulets, seals, rings, brooches, bracelets and necklaces.  The great Roman orator, Cicero, was believed to have worn a blue Chalcedony around his neck as an aid in to benefit with his speeches.  In more modern times, Native Americans used the stone in ceremonies to provide a feeling of grounding.  

Metaphysical Properties

• Provides Purity, Self Confidence, Calm, Composure, Concentration and Luck

• Aids In Truest Forms of Communication

• Produces Clarity for Deeper Discussions

• Absorbs And Dissipates Negative Thoughts, Emotions and Bad Dreams 

• Eases Self-Doubts and Facilitates Inward Reflection

• Transform Melancholy into Joy

• Brings Mind, Body, Spirit and  Emotions into Harmony

• Yields Inner Peace


• Creative Stone Promotes New Ideas

• Enhances Listening and Communication

• Improves Memory

• Increase Optimism


• Augments Kindness

• Improves Trust in Others

• Generates Empathy and Inner Peace

• Creates Willingness to Learn New Things 


• Produces Strength and Persistence in Reaching Goals

• Delivers Clarity for When to React And Ignore Situations  

Physical Healing

• Powerful Cleanser Including Healing for Open Sores

• Increases Physical Energy

• Lessens Effect of Dementia

• Supports Health of Eyes, Gallbladder, Bones, Spleen and Circulatory System

• Aids In Production of Mother’s Milk

• Bolsters In the Prevention of Breast Infections

• Blue Chalcedony Clears Effects of Smoking

• Pink Chalcedony Fortifies the Heart

• Red Chalcedony Reduces Hunger Pangs 


• Throat

• Sacral

• Solar Plexus

• Third Eye

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