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Citrine Description

Citrine Description

Frequently called the “The Money Stone” or “Merchant Stone”, Citrine is most commonly found in Brazil, but can also be located in Madagascar, Spain, Norway, Russia, Bolivia, Austrian Alps, Zambia, Kazakhstan and Australian.  This rare gemstone is very difficult to discover in its natural state, therefore it is sometimes mistaken for heat treated or dyed amethyst or quartz.  


Citrine has been used ornamentally and in spiritual healing for thousands of years.  During the Hellenistic period between 300-150 B.C., ancient Greeks and Romans used it as a decorative gem.  Romans believed the gemstone could protect evil thoughts. Other cultures during this time felt that Citrine would bring abundance and prosperity while wearing or holding the stone.  Ancient Egyptians used Citrine for talismans, amulets and rings and it was associated with the Sun God, Ra. In the 17th Century, Scottish men would adorn the handles of various weapons with Citrine to enhance their luck during battle.

Metaphysical Properties

• Increase Motivation

• Encourages Self-Expression

• Activates Creativity

• Enhances Concentration

• Revitalizes the Mind

• Shields Against Spite and Jealousy

• Releases Anger and Tension

• Boosts Confidence and Self Esteem

• Attracts Love and Happiness

• Manifests Wealth

• Associated with Sun’s Energy

• Lifts Spirits and Positivity

• Reduces Anxiety and Depression

• Protects Your Environment 

Physical Healing

• Helps Thyroid Conditions

• Regulates Digestive System

• Clears Urinary Tract

• Alleviates Chronic Fatigue

• Mitigate Allergies and Skin Irritation

• Increases Blood Circulation


• Solar Plexus

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