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Sage and Smudging

Burning sage, or smudging, is cleansing to a space, crystal or environment. It can also be used to remove negative energies and bring wisdom, clarity and healing. The practice has been used by Indigenous communities for thousands of years. Burning incense brings about ambiance and introspection, and is ideal for use in meditation and prayer. Any of our wonderful sage, and incense products will calm the mind and body and bring peace to your sacred space.
Burning sage, or smudging, is cleansing to a space, crystal or environment. It can also be used to remove negative energies and bring wisdom, clarity and healing. The practice has been used by Indigenous communities for thousands of years. Burning incense brings about ambiance and introspection, and is ideal for use in meditation and prayer. Any of our wonderful sage, and incense products will calm the mind and body and bring peace to your sacred space.
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