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Ethiopian Opal Description

Ethiopian Opal Description

Most opals are sedimentary rocks, but Ethiopian opals are hydrophane varieties that are created from the consequences of volcanic activity.  This milky white to yellow mineral is mostly commonly mined from a only a few locations in Ethiopia, mostly commonly sourced from the North Shewa or Wollo Provinces.  Derived from the Greek word “opallios”, which means to see a color change, this variety of opal is unique due to its ability to display all colors of the rainbow when viewed from different angles.  Opal is sometimes treated by smoke, heat, dye or acid in an effort to darken its base color or brighten the rainbow spectrum.  Although the altered gemstones can be popular on the market, they tend to lower the value of the opal removing its original purity.   


Although opals have been long found to have mystical powers in many ancient cultures, the Ethiopia Opal has only recently been discovered.  In 1990, this variety of opal was first discovered in the Menz Gishe District and not commercially mined until 2008.  The ancient Greeks did believe that the opal would offer the wearer the gift of prophecy and guard against disease and illness.  In Ancient Roman culture, there is a legend about the Roman Senator, Nonius, who owned one of the most beautiful opals that existed.  Instead of gifting it Cleopatra, he exiled himself so that he could keep it for himself.  In the Bible, the Queen of Sheba adorned herself with the gemstone on her visit with Queen Solomon,

The commercial availability of the Ethiopian opal has become a more widely sourced gemstone.  Australia has long been the leader in the production of opal, but recently Ethiopia has come close to overtaking the lead as the primary producer.  Due the availability of the Ethiopian opal and the shortage of the Australian opal, Ethiopia could soon be the central source of the opal gemstone.

Metaphysical Properties

• Reveals True Nature of Oneself

• Shields Wearer Against Negative Energies by Rendering Wearer Invisible

• Helps to Attract Luck and Prosperity

• Beneficial to Flourish Love

• Stabilizes Relationships

• Liberates Behavior from Shyness

• Enhances Sexual Desires

• Aid in Memory Retention

• Induces Physic Visions 

Physical Healing

• Strengthens Memory

• Treats Parkinson’s Disease

• Purifies the Blood and Kidneys

• Fights Infections and Fevers

• Eases Childbirth

• Alleviates PMS Pains

• Regulates Insulin


• Heart

• Third Eye

• Crown

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