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Fluorite Description

Fluorite Description

Flourite, which is also known as the “Genius Stone” or “Stone of Brilliance”, is a halide mineral that is also known as fluorspar.  Completely pure fluorite is colorless and transparent, but often impurities and sometimes hydrocarbons will give the crystal its color.  At times, suppliers will apply an oil treatment to enhance the color and luster.  Flourite can occur in just about any color, but the most common colors are purple, blue, clear, green, yellow, white and rainbow.  Derived from the latin word fleure, which means “to flow” or “to flux”, the mineral is used as a flux in iron smelting.  Flourite is pretty common and can be found in many places around the world, but is most commonly mined in the United States, South America, Britian, Tanzania, Argentina Australia, Germany, Norway, China, Peru, Mexico and Brazil. 





Flourite was used in carving during the ancient Chinese and Egyptian civilizations.  The Chinese used it for hundreds of years in carving and also used it as a protection stone against evil spirits.  They also used Green Flourite to make drinkware and it was often used to replace Jade.  The Egyptians used it in statues and to carve scarabs and pearls.  The ancient Romans thought that a fluorite goblet would prevent drunkenness.  In fact, many fluorite objects were found during the excavation of Pompeii.   


The first documented record of Flourite was in 1530 by German scientist, Georgius Agricola writing about the mineral’s usefulness as a flux.  In 1797, the naturalist Carlo Antonio Galeani Napione gave the mineral its name.  In 1852, Flourite loaned its name to the term fluorescence, because of the phenomenon’s occurrence in many varieties of the mineral.



Metaphysical Properties


·         Draws Off Negative Energies and Stresses

·         Balances Disorders Within the Body

·         Overcomes Chaos and Disorganization

·         Incorporates Structures into Daily Life

·         Dissolves Stagnate Behaviors and Patterns

·         Breaks Through Illusions and Reveals Truths

·         Transforms Current Knowledge into Expanded Focus for Better Learning

·         Increases Absorption of Information

·         Promotes Quick Thinking

·         Stabilizes  Self to Better Understand the  Mind and Body

·         Fluorite Pyramids Help During Meditation to Delve Deeper into Inner Self



·         Enhances Creative, Clear Thought and Free Communication

Revitalizes Energy for the Physical or the Bio-Magnetic Bodies

·         Summons Spiritual Awakening

·         Amplifies Healing Potential by Focusing Brain Activity

·         Promotes Rational Thought and True Hearted  Communication





·         Enhances Communication Skills

·         Creates Rejuvenation for Childlike Playfulness

·         Grounding Yet Provides Feeling of Lightheartedness

·         Connects You to Internal Intuition

·         Shews Worries Away for More Positive Mindset



Physical Healing


·         Effective to Counteract Electromagnetic Frequencies

·         Great for Healing Infections and Viruses

·         Repairs DNA Damage

·         Regenerates Skin and Mucus Membrane Cells

·         Treats Illnesses Associated with the Respiratory Tract

·         Heals Ulcers and Wounds

·         Alleviates Arthritis, Rheumatism and Spinal Injuries

·         Diminishes Aches from Shingles

·         Heals Skin Wounds

·         Aids in Skin Rejuvenation

·         Increases Libido

·         Helps Minimize Back Pain



·         Treats Sinus Conditions

·         Effective Against Eye, Nose, Ear and Throat Problems

·         Treats Alzheimer’s Disease and Mental Illness

·         Promotes Health for Bones, Teeth and Cells



·         Reduces Regularity and Intensity of Stress Headaches and Migraines

·         Helps With Insomnia and Improves Quality of Sleep

·         Decreases Acne Outbreaks and Skin Blemishes

·         Lowers Blood Pressure

·         Treats Colds and Flus





·         Blue – Third Eye and Throat

·         Rainbow – All but Most Affects the Heart Chakra


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