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Golden Healer Quartz Description

Golden Healer Quartz Description

Golden Healer Quartz, sometimes also called golden quartz yellow hematoid, is a silicon dioxide mineral with a hexagonal crystal system.  Considered “The Master Healer Stone” and “Crystal of Hope”, these stones get their names from the yellow to deep orange patterns on the surface and within the crystal that are present due to the trace amounts of iron present in the quartz.  This gemstone is a rare form of quartz that is mostly found in Madagascar, but has also been discovered in Arkansas and Brazil.  It is even less commonly found in its natural state because most pieces of Golden Healer Quartz in production have been heat treated or dyed.  When heat treated, the crystals take on a more crackled and sparkled appearance, which is why the process is so common. 


In Ancient Egypt, golden healer quartz was used as a pain reliever for treating skin conditions like acne and eczema.  Folklore of the 19th century also held the belief that the was used as a stone for physical healing in the time of the Lemurians, who were inhabitants of the lost part of the continent that submerged after the time of Pangea.  This advanced civilization would hold the quartz in such high admiration that they would ensure its endurance and pass the stone done through generations.  The first real known discovery was in Arkansas in the 1980s, with later findings int the Celtic region.  

Metaphysical Properties

• One Of the Most Powerful Crystals in the World

• Magnifies Intuition and Divine Guidance

• Channels  Spiritual Explorations

• Amplifies Intentions

• Assists to Overcome Obstacles

• Beneficial for Those Craving Overall Wellness

• Reveals How We Can Become Our Best Selves

• Transforms Negative Energy into Positive Energy

• Rescues You Out of Difficult Situations

• Connects You to Your  True Self 

• Shelters From Negativity

• Uplifts Moods to Increase Happiness and Joy

• Enhances New Opportunities and Potential for High Success 

Physical Healing

• Balances Energy and Confidence

• Clears Blockages and Imbalances That Would Prevent Proper Healing

• Empowers Healing at All Levels

• Relieves Stress, Tension and Anxiety

• Ultimate Pain Reliever 

• Improves Functions of All Organs

• Detoxifies Organs

• Stimulates the Immune System


• All – Capable of Aligning All Chakras

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