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Hematite Description

Hematite Description

Hematite is an iron oxide compound crystal that is harder that pure iron and more brittle.  It is a heavy stone that naturally occurs in black, silver-gray, brown, red, or reddish browns colors.  Naturally, the minerals is brain-like in appearance but the collectors often polish the stone giving it a metallic, semi-transparent shine.  Also spelled Haematite, this mineral is electrically conductive.  Usually found in areas with standing waters like mineral springs, Hematite can also be found in areas of volcanic activity.  The smaller clay-sized hematite crystals can be formed by the weathering process in soil, producing red or brown minerals.  Derived from the Greek word, haima, which translates to blood, Hematite is commonly produced in Australia, Britain, China, New Zealand, Italy, Brazil, Sweden, Switzerland, Canada, Venezuela and India                                  


Hematite’s history stretches across many ancient civilizations and was used in many different ways.  It’s versatility in appearance with the natural shiny look or as bright red powdered hematite translated to all kinds of uses for each culture.  Countless lapidaries would call it “Bloodstone” or the “stone which bleed”.

Hematite has been found as far back as 5,000 years ago during the Neolithic period.  In Europe, mummified remains were uncovered with the powdered, red hematite spread on the skin.  In China, hematite stones were found surrounding skeletal remains.  During this time, hematite was used as a pigment to create red paints.  

The ancient Egyptian civilization, hematite was thought a great treatment for eye injuries and small growths and would help reduce inflammation.  Used as a mixture in an elixir, it was used to cure illnesses for people who would spit or cough up blood.  It was also used as a topical aid to heal cuts when mixed as a potion.  The hematite stones would adorn the tombs of the Pharaohs.  Around the same time in Mesopotamia, it was used a protective stone during battle and for citizens in the legal system.  It would protect against attack and bring the wearer victory.  

Hematite is riddled in Greek mythology.  This stone was believed to be the petrified blood of the original sky god, Uranus, who at the beginning of time fathered the Titans, Cyclops, and the Hekatonkheires.  The story is that Gaia, who bore the children, hid her Titan son Cronus because Uranus was eating his children in fear that they would betray him.  Cronus castrated his father and the blood dripped to earth petrifying into the stone now known as hematite.  Eventually, Cronus fathered his own children with his mother Gaie but followed in his father’s footsteps by devouring his own children.  Once again, Gaia hid her son Zeus who eventually killed Cronus and freed his other brother gods and sister goddesses.  Hematite became the sacred stone of Zues’s son, Ares, the God of War.  It was common for Greek soldiers to honor Ares by rubbing the powdered hematite on their skin before heading into battle.  This was also a practice used by Native Americans many years later.  

The ancient Romans also used hematite in multiple curing practices.  According to the Roman naturalist, Pliny the Elder, the mineral was classified into five different varieties of stone, all with different healing powers.  The stone was used to treat burns and eye wounds, cure sickness associated with nausea, alleviate nerve pain caused by burns or used as a tonic to heal blood-related illnesses.  Many modern day metaphysical healers still used hematite to treat blood conditions.  

Metaphysical Properties

• Stimulates Concentration and Focus

• Enhances Memory

• Balances the Meridians

• Focuses Energies of the Body, Mind and Spirit

• Boost Self Esteem and Belief in Oneself

• Strengthens Will Power

• Deflects Negative Energies

• Creates Decisiveness for Things we Feel are Right for our Soul

• Balances Spiritual and Physical Worlds

• Generates a Clear Mind to Understand What is Best for Us

• Removes Self-Imposed Limitations

• Repels Toxic Emotions

• Heals Emotional Pains

Physical Healing

• Helps Overcome Additions

• Regulates the Blood Supply

• Encourages Absorption of Iron to Help Treat Blood Conditions like Anemia

• Regenerates Tissues

• Treats Leg Cramps

• Heals Fractures 

• Helps with Spinal Alignment

• Regulates Heavy Periods

• Detoxifies the Body

• Enhances absorption of Nutrients into Bloodstream

• Promotes Healthy Habits and Our Ability to Stick with Them 


• Root

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