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Herkimer Diamond Description

Herkimer Diamond Description

The Herkimer Diamonds aka the “Stone of Attunement” is a brilliant double-terminated quartz crystal that is native to Herkimer County, New York.  According to author Robert Simmons, Herkimer Diamonds are a stone of the new consciousness which will accelerate and enhance human evolution.  There are even some who believe that these crystals are the most powerful of the quartz crystals for healing.  Herkimer Diamonds grow double terminated (natural facets on both ends), meaning they can receive and magnify the influence of other crystals making their protective and healing properties more significant.  They emit energy at both ends at the same time and are exceptional for cleansing and balancing.  When there is a time in life where you feel stuck, lost, visions for the future are unclear, you feel imbalanced, and fear the unknown, Herkimer Diamonds can help enlighten you to the next step and clear the fog.  They promote positive transformation, reveal the path forward and help you act with discernment.  While stuck in this abyss, we may be too focused on items and tasks that are not essential and are just masking the true issues which we should be addressing.  The energies of this powerful crystal will clear any resistance and illuminate negative behaviors so that we may make positive modifications.  When in uncomfortable situations or environments, these crystals can put you at ease and elevate calmness and serenity. 


Herkimer Diamonds are very high vibration, helping to uncover the truth beneath the surface by heightening intuition and connecting you at a deeper level with source energy.  Due to this ability to connect to source and universal energies, it is ideal for those looking to open psychic channels, clearing the chakras from blockages, and increasing energy flow through the body.  Herkimer Diamonds are linked to cosmic connection, higher consciousness, spiritual enlightenment, and soul growth and ascension.  These ancient stones are also known to facilitate communication with spirit guides, angels and ancestors.  We are each powerful, divine, sovereign creator beings on this planet during our physical experience. These quartz crystals help us to uncover our true purpose when we choose to work with them.  Herkimer Diamonds are also masters of protecting your surrounding environment, reducing electromagnetic pollution and radioactive energy.  They are perfect to place throughout a space or use in crystal grids to eliminate any negative energies and pollution.  Herkimer Diamonds are ideal for meditative practices and are known to alleviate insomnia.  Lastly, these powerful gems have crystal memory and the ability to store information for access later.  Due to this unique property, they pick up the feelings of the last person who handled it, so it is important to place it in the sunlight to cleanse and recharge when exchanging or after purchasing.  You may also use other cleansing or charging techniques.





Known also as “Little Falls Diamond” or “Middleville Diamond”, Herkimer Diamonds were discovered in the late 18th century in the Mohawk River Valley in Herkimer County, New York.  The very first discoveries were in the city of Little Falls and the village of Middleville, both located in Herkimer County.  The crystals can be found in other places in the world such as Pakistan, China, France and Italy, however, only those mined in Herkimer County can be given the name Herkimer Diamond.  The Mohawk Indians are believed to have been the first to discover the diamonds by accident.  Later, some workers officially discovered the gems in the 1700’s when cutting into the dolomite.  This unique find led to a diamond rush.  Herkimer diamonds are estimated to be over 500 million years old and found in sediment in Little Falls called dolostone.  Dolostone (dolomite and limestone) blanketed Herkimer County during the Precabrian age when it was at the bottom of the sea that at that time covered North America.  Herkimer diamonds were coveted by native Americans for their powerful spiritual and healing properties.  These crystals share a special relationship to the people who referred to themselves as Kanyenkehaka or “The People of The Crystals”.  Early settlers and the Mohawk desired the crystals and used them in various ways including amulets, tools, and for trade.


Herkimer Diamonds are clear with a glassy sheen, and sometimes feature rainbows.  They were named the official state mineral of New York in 2012.  Unlike most crystals they were formed in pockets and are not attached to a matrix.  Since Herkimer Diamond grows in pockets free from a surrounding matrix, they form with points on both ends (double-terminated).  Quartz does not adhere to dolostone.  They are currently not commercially mined due to various laws in the state of New York that limit mining which makes them a rarity.



Metaphysical Properties


·         Energizes, and Enlivens

·         Attunement

·         Stimulates Psychic Abilities

·         Enhances Spiritual Vision and Intuition

·         Clears Chakras of Blockages

·         Enhances Energy Flow

·         Illuminates Resistance and Allows for Recognition of Negative Life Behaviors

·         Facilitates Positive Transformation

·         Links People Together That Have Been Separated

·         Fosters Communication with Spirit Guides, Angels, and Ancestors

·         Has Crystal Memory and Capability to Store Information for Later Access

·         Clears Electromagnetic Pollution and Radioactivity

·         Excellent to Use in Crystal Grids or Around the Home

·         Relieves Insomnia

·         Protects the Environment

·         Clears Repressed Fears and Negative Feelings

·         Induces Serenity

·         Good for Meditation

·         Quiets the Overactive Mind 


Physical Healing

·         Detoxifies the Body from Pollutants

·         Corrects DNA and Cellular Disorders

·         Treats Metabolic Imbalances

·         Alleviates Bodily Pain from Injury or Illness

·         Eliminates Stress and Tension

·         Enhances Dream State

·         Prevents Physical Exhaustion and Burnout

·         Stimulates Immune Defense 



·         Crown

·         Third Eye 

Proper Care


To cleanse, use lukewarm water and mild soap with a soft cloth.  Avoid harsh chemicals or ultrasonic cleaners.  You may place it next to or on selenite to spiritually cleanse.  Sage/smudging and palo santo will also cleanse your crystal and release negative energies.  Herkimer Diamond is a crystal that responds well to sunlight therefore can be cleansed and charged by the sun.  Another alternative is to place it in the light of the full moon for 6-8 hours to charge.




Herkimer Diamonds are paired well with many crystals due to their amplification properties, but specifically, we recommend Citrine (Increases Energy and Happiness), Smoky Quartz (Grounding), Amethyst (Calming/Anxiety Relief), Tigers Eye (Protection), Moldavite (Connectivity/Transformation), and Celestite (Awareness/Peace/Spiritual Connection), Lapis Lazuli (Protection/Balance), and Tourmaline (Physical and Emotional Well-Being).


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