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Jasper Description

Jasper Description

An impure variety of silica, Jasper is known as the “Supreme Nurturer” because of its healing power in all aspects of a person’s life.  Derived originally from the Latin word iaspidem and more recently from the Old French word jaspre, which translates as “spotted or speckled stone”, this mineral is comprised of myriad microscopic quartz crystals intermixed with a variety of impurities.  Jasper can come in many different colors and names including blue, brown, green, purple, red, yellow, basanite, mookaite, picture, orbicular, royal plume, brecciated, bumblebee, fancy, dragon’s blood, dalmatian and bloodstone.  Jasper can be found anywhere in the world and constitutes 12% of the earth’s crust. 


Considered by many cultures as “the Blood of the Earth”, all colors and types of jasper have a story throughout history as the mineral was highly popular in nearly all ancient civilizations.  In early Mesopotamia, red and green jasper were very popular.  The green jasper was used in bow drill in the Indus valley and used to carve other minerals.  Red jasper was regarded as a sacral stone for physical and spiritual protection.  In ancient Egypt, red jasper was considered the blood of Isis and linked to fertility.  The Egyptians produced amulets of jasper with symbols and engravings from the Book of the Dead.  They were buried with the dead for safe passage in the afterlife.  On Crete around 1800 B.C., jasper was carved in the creation of seals.  In Norse Legend, the mystical sword of Siegfried was ornated with red jasper to gift him with courage.  The sword was dubbed, “Dragonslayer”.  Native Americans believed in the power of jasper to produce soaking rain.  

Metaphysical Properties

• Alleviates Stresses 

• Eliminates Negative Energy

• Increases Sense of Well-Being

• Promotes Courage and Wisdom


• Balances Your Life

• Releases Feeling of Obsession


• Brings Sense of Relaxation and Calm

• Focuses Attention on the “Now”

• Relieves Fear Guilt and Frustration

• Builds Inner Strength and Confidence

Dragons Blood

• Opens the Heart and Releases Fear

• Liberates Oneself from Insecurities, Shyness and Self Doubt

• Allows Forgiveness of Darkest Truths Within Oneself

• Aids in Understand Power of True Self

• Turns feeling into learning lessens


• Promotes Devotion Towards Others Releases Anger While Encouraging Playfulness and Joy

• Combats boredom

• Encourages Good Sleep by Sucking Up Negative Energies from Nightmares

• Provides Wisdom for Thorough Thought and Translates Ideas into Actuality

• Fosters Faithfulness, Integrity and Commitment

• Aids in Emotional Healing 


• Enhances Will Power and Self-Esteem

• Fulfill Creative Potential

• Inspires Self-Reliance, Generosity and Love

• Encourages Positive Thinking and Clarity

• Release Deep Seated Fears by Showing the Real Truths


• Reveals hidden feelings of guilt, hatred, envy or love

Physical Healing

• Beneficial for Circulation

• Increase Metabolism

• Aids in Self-Discipline for Those Struggling with Addition

• Improves Physical Strength

• Provides Emotional Endurance

• Promotes Healing 

• Removes Toxins from the Body 


• Treats Skin Disorders

• Dispels Bloating

• Reduces Toxicity and Inflammation

• Heals Ailments of the Upper Torso, the Digestive Tract and Purifies the Organs


• Enhances Detoxification of the Body

• Improves Liver and Gallbladder Function

• Improves Energies Levels and Vitality

• Addresses Abdominal Pains and Poor Circulation 

Dragons Blood

• Balances Metabolic System

• Aids with Issues of the Heart Including Anemia and Heart Conditions

• Helps with Gout and Epilepsy

• Promotes Good Circulation


• Stimulates the Immune System

• Cleanses the Kidney


• Balances the Immune System

• Calms Muscles Spasms

• Relieves Inflammations and Bowel Disorders


• Relieves effects of allergies

• Helps with physical goals like addiction and weight loss

• Beneficial when dealing with blood-sugar illnesses like diabetes and hypoglycemia


• Green – Heart

• Fancy – Root

• Dragons Blood – Heart & Root

• Picture – Root

• Dalmation – Root & Crown

• Bumblebee – Sacral & Solar Plexus

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