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Kyanite Description

Kyanite Description

Also spelled cyanite and sometime called disthene, kyanite is an aluminosilicate mineral that is found in aluminum-rich metamorphic pegmatites and sedimentary rocks.  It usually occurs as elongated blades and is often accompanied by garnet, quartz and mica.  Kyanite is most commonly found in the blue variety but has other colors including indigo, black, white, gray, pink, yellow, orange and the rarest color, green.  Kyanite is mined in the United States, Switzerland, Russia, India, Brazil, South Africa, France, Kenya, Namibia and Tanzania.


First discovered in 1789 by German mineralogist Abraham Gottlob Werner, Kyanite derives it names from the Greek word, Kyanos, which translate to blue.  Although considered one of the more beautiful natural minerals, Kyanite is rarely used as a gemstone due to its perfect cleavage and anisotropism quality.  These two behaviors cause the stone to sometimes break during cutting and lessens it value when cut incorrectly.  More common uses for Kyanite were realized during World War I when it was used as an electrical insulator in the sparkplugs of Jeeps.  In modern times, it has been used in refractory and ceramic produces like plumbing and dishware.  It has also been used in electronics, electrical insulators and abrasives.      

Metaphysical Properties

• Allow for Truthful Communication

• Shifts Old Energy and Repetitive Patterns

• Good for Practicing Astral Projection and Dreamwork

• Helps to Attune to Realms Beyond Our Own Consciousness and Understanding

• Expands Physic Abilities and Increases Ability to Receive Messages from Spiritual Guides and Loved Ones

• Encourages Self Awareness and Personal Growth

• Supports Meditation


• Enhances Clear Communication

• Helps Tt Realize Individual Voice


• Balances Energy

• Promotes Serenity and Calmness

• Grounds the Body when Aligning Chakras 


• Helps with Healing Old Wounds

• Supports in Manifestation of Dreams and Goal

• Bolters Creativity and Improves Visualization

• Cleanses the Aura 


• Empower Creation of Own Life Path

• Provides Emotional Clarity

• Activates Entire Chakra Column

• Provide Connection with Earth

• Connects Strongly with Your Heart

• Builds Compassion and Truth

• Clarifies Life During Confusing Times

• Delivers Peace and Healing 

Physical Healing

• Great Pain Reliever

• Enhances Regeneration to the Body

• Relaxing Agent

• Infection Prevention

• Alleviates Headaches and Migraines 


• Alleviates Throat Pains

• Assists with Adrenal and Parathyroid glands

• Treats Thyroid Conditions

• Heals Conditions That Deal with Communication


• Treats Conditions with the Skeletal System

• Lessens Pain of Inflammation


• Treats Depression

• Decrease Stress and Tension

• Lowers High  Blood Pressure

• Improves Immune Systems Function

• Rehabilitates Tissue and Muscular Disorders


• Throat & Third Eye (Blue Kyanite)

• Focusing on Root But Works with All Chakras (Black)

• Sacral (Orange)

• Heart & Root (Green Kyanite)

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