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Moldavite Description

Moldavite Description

Also dubbed the “Gemstone of Connectedness”, Moldavite if a form of tektite, which is one of the rarest minerals on the earth.  Tektite is a natural form of extraterrestrial glass that has been ejected during meteorite collisions with the earth.  Named after the Moldau River Valley in the Czech Republic, this valuable gemstone in indigenous to this area of the world only and has a color range from the bottle green, to olive green and can even appear as a brownish green. 




Moldavite was first discovered in the Moldau River Valley and described by the scientific public in 1786. Of true space origin, this gemstone is the product of a meteor impact on earth that took place nearly 15 million years ago.  True Moldavite has only been found across four different strewn fields from a meteor impact that was about 15 miles of length in total.  Unlike many other varieties of tektite, Moldavite has nearly perfect clarity and a unique green color.  Although it is commonly agreed upon by the scientific community that Moldavite was partially if not completely composed in outer space, there is still a mystery on how exactly they were created. 


The stone’s mystery and scarcity are the reasons it is so prized in the gemstone world.  Still given as gifts by royalty, legend states that this stone was the green stone of the holy grail and has the power to quickens one’s spiritual evolution.  Early cavemen were believed to use it for talismans that offered protection, provided fertility and offered good fortune.  A Moldavite figurine of a woman named “the Venus of Willendorf”, was found in Austria and dated back 27,000 years.


Sadly, authentic moldavite is found much less often than the manmade fakes being sold on today’s market.  Many believe that over 70% of what is traded and sold is actually just melted green glass and not real.  Authentic moldavite should contain small (almost microscopic) bubbles that are not round but rather imperfect.  Due to the vast mining production and demand for the gemstone, it is widely thought that all sources will be depleted by the year 2026. 


The “Moldavite Flush” is the name for the frequent experience that novices encounter when first working with this stone.  Even those people not sensitive to the energy of the other gemstones, Moldavite will transmit its high energy to those who hold it. The energy can manifest as a heat flush to the face and radiate a tingling and pulsing sensation to the hands and body.  Some may feel a rush of energy that pushes up through the body to the top of the head.  A regular wearer of the gemstone will adapt the stones energy relieving the person from future “Moldavite Flush” experiences. 


Metaphysical Properties 

·         Relieves  Money Worries by Providing Unrealized Solutions

·         Aids in Communication with Your Higher Self and Raises You to Highest Spiritual Dimensions

·         Extremely High Vibration Stone That Opens  Blockages and Aligns Chakras

·         Detaches You from Worry

·         Bring Unexpected  Solutions Forward

·         Good for Counteracting Cynicism

·         Accelerates One Spiritual and Personal Evolution

·         Clears Negative Energy

·         Illuminates Future Potential

·         Supports Empathy and Compassion

·         Increases Beneficial Incidents in Life

·         Allows You to Interpret Signs from the Spiritual Work

·         Enhances Awareness, Insight and Prophecy

·         Help You to Detach from Harmful Personal Ties

·         Inspires Ideas and Creativity


Physical Healing 

·         Enlightens on Cause of Disease or Illness

·         Beneficial for Eyesight

·         Regenerative for Healing Tissues and Combats the Effects Of Aging 



·         Crown

·         Third Eye

·         Heart




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