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Opalite Description

Opalite Description

Opalite is a predominately man-made crystal which imitates the traditional opal but there is a less commonly collected natural opalite that can be sourced in many locations of the world.  On the market, natural opalite is advertised as what we know as the common Opal, while opalite is the term used for the man-made stone.  opalite is composed of mostly silica and water, like natural opal.  The man-made opalite resembles the natural opalite and also has similar attributes that will make it challenging to tell the two apart.  Opalite is a more affordable alternative to natural opal and has its own unique composition of resin and glass which offers many healing properties.  Opalite’s composition is not completely artificial.  Resin originates from plants, while glass comes from sand, and both have spiritual properties and vibrations that have been coveted all the way back to many ancient civilizations.  Don’t let the fact that opalite is man-made dissuade you from recognizing all the magic this stone provides us.





Natural opalite was first formed over 20 million years ago with some of the older artifacts found in Kenya dating back to around 4,000 B.C.  The first synthetic opalite was created in 1972 by Pierre Gilson, a French chemist.  He studied the composition of the natural Opal, and his research led him to create opalite.  Originally, he named the stone “Gilson Synthetic Opalite”.  The popularity of his discovery created a market of high demand, hence opalite was born.   



Metaphysical Properties


·         Potent Mood Stabilizer

·         Encourages Lightheartedness and Playfulness

·         Increases Passion and Sexual Energy

·         Helps Us to Live in The Moment

·         Soothes a Heavy Heart

·         Helps Us to Overcome Struggles in Daily Life

·         Helps Us to Embrace New Beginnings

·         Reduces Stress

·         Offers Peace, Tranquility and Harmony

·         Lifts our Spirits

·         Good For Grief and Emotional Healing

·         Aides in Transitions Through One Phase of Life to the Next

·         Improves Communication and Understanding

·         Improves Quality of Sleep

·         Opens the Heart to Love



Physical Healing


·         Assists with Asthma

·         Increases Energy and Mitigates Fatigue

·         Alleviates Depression

·         Helps with Cysts and Fibroids

·         Stabilizes Heart Arrythmias

·         Purifies the Blood and Kidneys

·         Increases Oxygen in the Body

·         Fights Fever and Infection





·         Third Eye

·         Crown

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