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Orthoceras Description

Orthoceras Description

Orthoceras stones are black and gray limestone fossils of an extinct nautiloid cephalopod. Derived from the ancient Greek words, orthos meaning “straight” and keras meaning “horn”, this stone was formed from a long straight conical shell. Often polished by collectors, Orthoceras is found in many of the areas of the world, but the larger discoveries have been in Morocco, Antarctica, the Scandinavian region and the United States. Still, once it is uncovered and the site it located, the amount of Orthoceras exposed is typically abundant making it a common stone.


The orthoceras cephalopod was alive around 400 million years ago, which is one reason that this stone is so popular amongst collectors and enjoyable to possess. Modern day squids and octopus are the descendants of this ancient squid-like creature. Many of the abundant sites where these fossils are found lie in the sands of the Sahara Desert, giving another piece of evidence that the Sahara desert was once under a large body of water. Although most Orthoceras stones are found at only a few inches in size, the original animal could grow up to 14 feet in length. It is used as not only a healing stone today but is also used commonly in decorating with jewelry and used to decorate walls and for countertops.

Metaphysical Properties

• Encourages Living in The Moment

• Promotes a Health Life Balance

• Brings Self Confidence to Battle Through Difficult Situation and Times

• Allows Restructuring of Energy Fields in Order to Bring Harmony to the Mind, Body and Spirit

• Helps to Connect Us to Our Past Lives

• Releases Childhood Trauma and Fear

• Stimulates the Mind and Augments Our Ability for Telepathy

• Reminds to Be Optimistic and Hopeful

• Encourages the Mind to Be Creative

• Connects to the Wisdom of Gaia, Mother Earth)

• Encourages Transformation

Physical Healing

• Reduces Toxins, Stress and Anxiety

• Cure for Low Energy and Exhaustion

• Settles Stomach Sickness

• Treats Dyspepsia and Rheumatism

• Helps with Digestive Disorders

• Assists on Nerve and Organ Function

• Benefits Skin Health and Treats Skin Disorders

• Treats Skeletal Disorders

• Helps with Skeletal Alignment

• Stimulates the Thymus Gland

• Treats Atrophy


• Root

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