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Peridot Description

Peridot Description

Also known as the “Stone of Compassion”, peridot is yellowish, green stone that is a form of the mineral olivine.  This translucent crystal has also been called the evening emerald.  The word peridot is derived from the French word peritôt, meaning unclear, because of the multiple inclusions and fractures commonly found within the gemstone.  It is usually produced with smaller pieces as a rather common stone, although high quality peridot if hard to find.  The crystal is mined in the United States, Brazil, Egypt, Ireland, Russia, Sir Lanka and The Canary Islands. 


This Cystal is thought to give good health, peaceful relationships through balanced emotions helping to produce restful sleep.  This playful gemstone opens the heart to fully enjoy love and relationships by purging the negative emotions out of our life.  When peridot is introduced into your life, negativity is removed, dead weight is released, and emotional baggage is liberated.  This finally allows you to become lighthearted in your everyday life and attitude.





Being the national gem of Egypt, peridot has a rich history in ancient cultures.  It was often mistaken for an emerald in ancient Egypt and many historians now believe that the many gemstones that Cleopatra were actually peridot crystals and not emeralds.  It was mining of peridot from the Red Sea happened as early as 2000 B.C. from the island of Topazios.  It was believed that the miners would work at night to uncover the gemstone because they believe the peridot was invisible in the sunlight.


Many cultures have associated peridot with luck.  If the gemstone was set in gold, then it would bring the wearer good fortune.  Ancient goblets would be adorned with the gemstone, that would introduce greatness to the person who drank from it.  As a stone that eliminates negativity, peridot commonly was used to ward off evil spirits.  The gemstone became popular again in Europe during the Middle Ages up to the 19th century.  The gemstone was brought to Europe in vast numbers during this time.



Metaphysical Properties


·         Channels Love in Excess

·         Mood Stabilizer

·         Encourages Living Good and Happy Life

·         Helps Release Egotistical Behaviors Like Jealousy, Anger and Spite

·         Washes Away Negative Emotions

·         Alleviates Stress and Anxiousness

·         Strengthens Focus

·         Provides Foundations to Discover Stability and Balance

·         Inspires Creativity and Articulacy

·         Renews Spirit Bringing Good Cheer



Physical Healing


·         Natural Healer of the Liver, Gall Bladder and Digestive Systems

·         Strong Detoxifier

·         Regenerates Cells and Tissue

·         Treats Skin Problems

·         Alleviates Skin Allergies

·         Reduces Fevers

·         Soothes Sore Muscles

·         Promotes Absorption of Nutrients

·         Cleanses Blood 



·         Heart 


Proper Care 


The best way to clean peridot is with warm, soapy water.  It is sensitive to heat, acids, ammonia and extreme temperatures.  The stone has many inclusions and fractures, so be sure to not introduce strong blows to the gemstone as it can fracture this stone.   Peridot gets life from the sun, the earth and water but gets its largest boost of energy when placed in moonlight, preferably the light from a full moon.


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