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Pietersite Description

Pietersite Description

Known as the “Tempest Stone”, pietersite is thought to hold the keys to the heavenly kingdom.  It’s a master at linking our everyday consciousness to our spiritual consciousness to remember that we are not only living a human journey, but a spiritual journey as well.  Pietersite helps us to access our Akashic record, which is essentially a “Universal Library” that stores all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions and all events that have occurred in the past, present, or the future beyond the veil of physical existence.  The ethereal stone helps us to access these universal divine insights to help guide us to live the physical life that we were meant to live.  A stone of vision, pietersite works strongly with our bodies to heighten our vibration very quickly to a higher state of consciousness by stimulating the pineal gland.  This in turn helps us to access spiritual visions and divine guidance.  It creates a sense of oneness and dispels the notion of separatism and mentally conditioned beliefs that have been ingrained in us over time by parents, rule makers, schooling, employment, etc.  Pietersite is a truly illuminating crystal to help us to find truths and recognize falsehoods and source your own inner-guidance.  A grounding stone, it helps us to stay focused and balanced during unpredictable and confusing times.  Pietersite is an outstanding stone to use during meditation, and when seeking universal guidance and can speed up the process of accessing a higher state of consciousness.  The name “Tempest Stone” comes from pietersite’s alluring appearance which likens itself to a flash of lighting cutting through a gray-blue sky during a storm.  Pietersite assists us in cutting through the emotional storms of life.  It teaches us and casts light upon the path we are meant to follow while on our journey on earth. 




Pietersite is a recently discovered crystal.  It was found by Sid Pieters who first came across the crystal in Namibia, Africa in 1962.  Unlike any stone he had ever encountered, he decided to name the stone pietersite in honor of his father Louis Pieters.  The stone has become prized with collectors and jewelry makers due to its exquisite and captivating appearance.  Pietersite can be golden-brown to grayish-blue to brownish-red, and boasts an opaque, silky luster with mild chatoyancy.  The crystal is a type of chalcedony distinguished by its distinct swirling colors and is a durable, hard, long-lasting stone with it rating 6.5-7 on the Mohs hardness scale.  Pietersite is formed by volcanic activity in the fissures and cavities of igneous rocks.  It is a rare and coveted stone since it can only be found in Namibia, Africa, and the Henan Province in China. 


Metaphysical Properties


·         Discharges Negative Energy

·         Cleanses the Aura

·         Dissolves Energy Blockages

·         Excellent for Past Life Healing

·         Dispels Spiritual Illusions

·         Supports Willpower

·         Lowers Stress and Enhances Concentration

·         Protects During Bad Weather

·         Encourages Self-Expression and Self-Truth

·         Aides in Accessing Suppressed Feelings

·         Increases Confidence and Empowerment

·         Grounds the Body’s Physical Energy Centers

·         Increases Intuitive Abilities

·         Increases Focus of Goals in Life

·         Enhances Meditation

·         Allows Access to the Akashic Records

·         Dissolves Emotional Turmoil

·         Assists in the Resolve  of Challenges 


Physical Healing 

·         Stimulates the Nerves and Brain

·         Eases Headaches

·         Stimulates the Pituitary Gland Balancing the Endocrine System, Hormones, Metabolism, Blood Pressure, Growth, Sex and Body Temperature

·         Eases Eye Infections

·         Cleanses and Balances Energies and Meridians of the Body

·         Clears Disease Caused by Exhaustion

·         Increases Energy

·         Promotes Absorption of Food and Nutrients

·         Helps the Lungs, Liver, and Intestines



·         Third Eye

·         Solar Plexus

·         Sacral

Proper Care 

Avoid leaving Pietersite in the sun for extended periods of time.  Wash with warm water and gentle soap and avoid using strong chemicals.  Use a soft cloth to cleanse and dry.  Recharge Pietersite in the full moonlight for a few hours or place next to or on Selenite to spiritually cleanse and recharge.

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