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Rhodochrosite Description

Rhodochrosite Description

Rhodochrosite is a magnificent stone that emits selfless love and compassion.  It emanates tender loving energies that give one the ability to recognize painful feelings from the past and present, and lovingly acknowledge those feelings in order to dissipate them through emotional release.  Rhodochrosite is a mood booster that will make you face the truth about yourself and others with a loving and accepting awareness.  Rhodochrosite is especially useful in psychology and spiritual healing practices.  This is due to the stones ability to bring up repressed feelings from negative patterns or experiences, in order to face those emotions with expanded knowledge and acceptance to be able to move forward with a positive attitude.  This stone improves overall self-worth and soothes emotional stresses.  We often store negative energies from unresolved issues within the solar plexus chakra.  Rhodochrosite’s loving energies help to relieve these blockages.  Overall, this beautiful gem will expand one’s consciousness, and impart love, joy and inner healing.  Whether you seek change, or change seeks you out, this stone welcomes it, and will help to embrace new beginnings and new chances.   





Rhodochrosite was first discovered in 1813 in the silver mines of what is now present-day Romania.  Its beautiful, banded hues are commonly a rose-red color; however, the stone can vary in shades of pink, light brown, and orange.  Rhodochrosite is a manganese carbonate mineral that is mostly found associated with manganese ores.  It was named Rhodochrosite by Johann Friedrich Ludwig Hausmann, a German mineralogist.  Its name comes from two Greek words, “Rhodon” meaning rose and “Chroma” meaning color.  After discovering the gem in a cave in Argentina, which was part of the Inca Empire, the Incas began to incorporate this beautiful gem into ornamental jewelry.  Argentina has been a large source for Rhodochrosite since the 13th century with the San Luis province having the oldest mines.  Once the Inca Empire fell, the mines were forgotten and abandoned until the 18th century when the stone mines were once again found leading to Rhodochrosite’s rediscovery. 


It was not until the late 1930’s that this stone became known worldwide.  Franz Mansfeld deserves the credit for Rhodochrosite’s worldwide popularity.  When Mansfeld discovered Rhodochrosite at the Musee de la Plate in Buenos Aires, he knew he had found something marvelous and realized it was a very rare mineral.  He shared his discovery with the British Museum in London, and then decided to return home to Argentina.  While prospecting, Franz discovered an Inca tomb that contained ornamental jewels made of Rhodochrosite and nicknamed the mineral “Rosa del Inca”.  He continued on his quest to find as much Rhodochrosite as he could and began curating creations.  He showcased all of his carved creations at the Leipzig International Fair, which was the beginning of Rhodochrosite’s worldwide popularity.  It is now the national stone of Argentina and the official stone of Colorado in the United States.     


Metaphysical Properties 

·         Expands Consciousness

·         Integrates Spiritual and Material Energies

·         Imparts a Positive Attitude

·         Excellent Stone for Those Who May Feel Unloved

·         Helps to Heal the Heart from Sexual Abuse

·         Helps to Attract Soulmates

·         Assists in Teaching the Heart to Assimilate Painful Feelings

·         Encourages a Positive Attitude

·         Helps the Mind to Integrate New Information

·         Aids in Expressing Feelings

·         Enhances Dream States and Creativity

·         Assists in Reclaiming Joy and Playfulness

·         Directs Love First Inward in Order to Heal the Self

·         Creates Inner Peace

·         Lifts Depression and Emotional Weight

·         Ripens Compassion and Understanding  


Physical Healing 

·         Relieves Asthma and Respiratory Problems

·         Purifies the Circulatory System and Kidneys

·         Normalizes Blood Pressure

·         Invigorates the Sexual Organs

·         Dilates Blood Vessels and Relieves Migraines

·         Restores Poor Eyesight

·         Stabilizes the Heartbeat



·         Solar Plexus

·         Heart 

Proper Care


To cleanse, use warm water and mild soap with a soft cloth to not damage or scratch the surface.  Avoid contact with chemicals as Rhodochrosite is sensitive to acids. You may place it next to or on selenite to cleanse as well as sage/smudging.


To charge, place in/on a selenite plate or bowl or place in the light of the full moon. 

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