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Septarian Description

 Septarian Description

Known as the “Dragon Stone”, Septarian Nodules were formed during the Cretaceous Period, also known as the age of the dinosaurs. The name Septarian comes from the Latin work septum, meaning “partition” or “division”. The nodules have angular cavities that have occurred because of cracking, which are called septaria and usually cause divisions through the stone. Calcite seeps into the cracks of the septaria and form on a layer of aragonite, dividing the heavy bentonite clay exteriors (which eventually are replaced with limestone) from the calcite centers. The unique patterns and layers of contrasting colors along with the spectacular crystals are the reason that these stones are so desirable. The colors layers are comprised of grey limestone exteriors, with brown aragonite lines and breaks with yellow calcite crystal centers. Septarian nodule (centers filled with calcite) and geodes (hollow centers showing off the calcite crystals) can be found in Canada, Australia, England, Morocco, New Zealand, Peru, and Spain but the most brilliant specimens are typically discovered in the United States (Utah) and Madagascar.


The history of septarian stones start at the age of the dinosaurs between 144 to 65 million years ago, when the land formation does not match what we know today. Many areas of the earth that are now dryland were once under the ocean, with one of the largest sections residing in a huge part of North America. During this time, volcanic eruptions killed much of the sea life in areas where septarian stones now reside. The decomposing sea life experienced a chemical reaction with the surrounding sediment becoming trapped. The mud balls were formed on the sea floor and when the water receded, the mud balls would dry out and crack. Then, the ocean water returned for another short period leaving more sediment and sea life behind after it receded again. The decomposing shells produced calcite that leeched into between the cracks and formed crystals within the center of the mud ball with a thin layer of calcite transforming into aragonite, separating the outer layer from the inner crystals. Once the outer layer of bentonite clay changed to limestone, the geodes and nodules were formed into the “Dragon Stone” that we revere today.

In some circumstances, there have been discoveries of talismans and amulets from ancient civilizations with this septarian stone. The ancient Malagasy people who are native to Madagascar told stories that the septarian formed from the fossilized remains of dragons. The septarian was worn as a sign of courage and grounding coming from deep within the earth. The stones were not as available during ancient times but with today’s advances on mining and the understanding of geographical locations of the stone, septarian is more commonly collected today. These sedimentary rocks lie in a three-foot layer of clay which is often uncovered 40-50 feet below the earth’s surface .

Metaphysical Properties

• Protects Your Aura

• Removes Anxiousness While Allowing Clear and Passionate Communication

• Provides Patient in Daily Life

• Stabilizes the Mind, Body and Spirit

• Provides Motivation on Mental Health of Yourself and Others

• Brings Compassion and Empathy Towards Loved Ones and Partners

• Dissipates Evil Thoughts that do not Serve Your Best Interests

• Creates Level-Headedness and Strength in Difficult Situations

• Transmutes Negative Energies into Productive Conclusions

• Repairs Spirit from Emotional Trauma

• Motivates to Find Purpose in Our Lives

• Enhances Courage and Self-Esteem While Letting Go of the Ego

• Cleanses Bad Energy from Perpetual Grief and Sorrow

• Reveals Obscure Long Forgotten Memories

Physical Healing

• Pushes to Treat Illnesses

• Helps to Absorb Calcium

• Promotes Circulation of Oxygen Throughout the Entire Body

• Alleviates Muscle Contractions and Twitching

• Improves Digestion

• Assists with Treatment for Renal, Heart and Inflammatory Conditions

• Fortifies the Muscles and Bones

• Strengthens the Stomach, Pancreas and Other Lower Body Organs


• Heart

• Root

• Sacral

• Third Eye

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