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Selenite Description

Selenite Description

Selenite is known by a number of names including, “Satin Spar”, “Desert Rose” and “Gypsum Flower” and  is a crystal habit variety of the mineral gypsum.  This very soft gemstone is so tender that is can usually be scratched with the forceful stroke of a fingernail.  Selenite is mostly produced in the pale shade of pearly white, but it is also found in yellow, orange and sometimes even green varieties.  Selenite is commonly found in evaporite bodies, where it forms through the evaporation of ancient saltwater bodies.  It is a common stone that can be sourced in many locations throughout the world and is frequently produced in Mexico, Morocco, Greece, Brazil, Poland and the United States.  


The name selenite is derived from the Greek word that means “moon” and Greek goddess of the moon, Selene.  Although it has a similar epidemy to the element, selenium, it does not contain significant amounts of the element.  It received this name because many ancient cultures believed the mineral would wax and wane with the cycles of the moon.  The ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians all decorated in various ways using the beauty of selenite.  The Romans and Greeks would often use selenite in place of glass for windows.  In Ancient Mesopotamia, it was used in rituals to ward off evil spirits.  Today, selenite is used to make sculptures due to its softness and ability to carve and cut.  It is also used for decorative lighting because of its exceptional ability to transmit light. 

Metaphysical Properties

• Instills Peace for a Deeper Meditation

• High Vibration Stone 

• Clears the Mind

• Opens the Crown and Protects from Outside Influences

• Promotes a Peaceful Atmosphere

• Assists with Judgment and Insight

• Clears Confusion and Allow the Ability to See the Deeper Picture

• Stabilizes for Erratic Emotions

• Compels Honesty with Oneself

• Increase Psychic Abilities

• Cleanses the Body, Mind and Spirit of Negativity and Self-Limitations

• Encourages Positivity

• Promotes Healthy Relationships by Provided Life Balance 


• Open Earthly Angelic Energies

• Aids in Earth Healing 


• Placed on the Third Eye Quite the Intellect

• Shuts off Mind Chatter During Mediation

• Assists in Revealing the Core of Problems 


• Encourages Working Towards the Highest Good

• Increase Self Confidence


• Extremely Calming

• Stabilizes Emotions

• Facilities in Angelic Contact 

Desert Rose

• Dissolves Negative Routines

• Promotes Positive Routines

• Strengthens Affirmations of Self Purpose

Physical Healing

• Helps with Arthritis

• Supports Other Treatments for Cancer

• Releases Clogging in the Glands

• Beneficial For Treatments on the Diseases, Illnesses or Injuries of the Skeletal System

• Alleviates Feeling of Depression

• Reverses Effects or Free Radicals and Neutralizes Mercury Toxins

• Beneficial for Breastfeeding

• Guards Against Epileptic Seizures 


• Crown

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