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Seraphinite Description

Seraphinite Description

Also known as the “Stone of Angels”, Seraphinite was named after the Seraphim; the six-winged angelic beings that are of high importance in the heavens.  In Christian angelology, the Seraphim are associated with light, ardor, and purity.  Tradition places the Seraphim in the highest order of angels who tend to the throne of God.  Seraphinite ranges from a light green to dark green color, and with the presence of Mica, the stone appears Chatoyant.  Chatoyancy is defined as a “band of bright reflected light caused by aligned inclusions in the stone”.  The enchanting green shimmer of Seraphinite is like that of a beautiful angel in flight.  The crystal is known for its high spiritual energies that raise the Kundalini (the female life force that lay coiled at the base of the spine) unblocking and clearing all the chakras as the energy travels upward all the way from the root to the crown.  Seraphinite is a stone of spiritual enlightenment and is excellent for accessing self-healing.  It is also ideal for angelic connection and aides in accessing the higher spiritual realms.  It has a cleansing effect and promotes love and living from the heart.  As the stone rinses the heart clean of old emotional patterns and tendencies, it uses its master power to also align the physical body and the etheric.  In Feng Shui, Seraphinite is said to bring “wood energy”.  This makes perfect sense with its connectedness to the earth and the divine.  This is one of the best crystals to use in meditation and is also known for its abilities to instill harmony, joy, tenderness and understanding.  Just as nature perishes and regenerates through the seasons offering a new beginning, this crystal does so for us. 




Seraphinite is a silicate mineral called a Clinochlore which originates from the Greek word “chloros” meaning “green”.  The stone has also been referred to as Seraphina.  It mainly forms in metamorphic rocks and hydrothermal veins when high temperatures and pressures encounter hot mineral-rich fluids.  The crystal was first identified in 1851 by Nicolai Ivanovich, a Russian Mineralogist.  His research on Seraphinite lead him to become the director of the Imperial Mineralogical Society in St. Petersburg in 1865.  Unfortunately, very little history has been documented on this enchanting stone, however, it continues to be very highly coveted.  It has since been discovered in other locales in the United States.  While there are also deposits in Europe, the largest deposits, although limited, remain in eastern Siberia in Russia.  Its use ranges from opulent jewelry, carvings, and high-end space embellishment. 


Metaphysical Properties 

·         Excellent for Out of Body Journeys

·         Helps to Review Life Progress and Identify Changes Needed to Put You on the Right Path to Peace and Fulfillment

·         Dissipates Mental Fog

·         Guides You to New Beginnings

·         Brings About Wholeness and Well-Being

·         Enhances Love and Compassion

·         Connects to the Divine Feminine

·         Unblocks All Chakras and Meridians

·         Aides in Deeper More Meaningful Meditation

·         Pushes to Release All Emotional Patterns That Do Not Serve You for the Highest Good

·         Brings About Enlightenment

·         Instills Joyful Energy

·         Allows One to React in a Balanced and Harmonious Manner

·         Inspires Spiritual Growth

·         Defies Chaos

·         Promotes Tenderness and Understanding

·         Balances Emotions and Energies in Your Environment

·         Regulates Thoughts and Reactions to Environmental Stimuli

·         Powerful Conduit of Earth’s Life Force Energy

·         Keeps Life and Daily Objectives on Track 


Physical Healing 

·         Supports the Heart and Lungs

·         Heals Cellular Imbalance

·         Aides in Delivery of Nutrients to the Body’s Cells

·         Detoxifying

·         Supports the Liver and Kidneys

·         Stimulates Metabolism and Helps in Weight Loss



·         Heart

Proper Care

Seraphinite is a softer stone sensitive to heat, pressure and chemicals.  It is easiest to clean with some mild soap, lukewarm water and a soft cloth.  Store separately from other jewelry to prevent being scratched by harder gems or minerals.  Remove before swimming or perspiring as seraphinite is sensitive to acids.


Use with clear quartz to amplify energy.  To charge, place on or near selenite, or place in the light of the full moon.  You may spiritually cleanse with selenite or smudge with sage.

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