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Shungite Description

Shungite Description

Sometimes called “Shungite Natural Black” or “Carbon Black”, shungite is a black lustrous mineraloid mostly made of carbon.  It is named after a village in Karelia, Russia called Shunga. One unique quality that attracts many people the to this mineraloid is that it is produced in so many natural shapes and sizes with large differences in the carbon composition within each stone.  It can have as little as 30% carbon to nearly 100% carbon. The higher the carbon makeup, the shinier the appearance.  Shungite is usually found deep within the earth but has sometimes been pushed to the surface in areas of high volcanic activity.  Nearly all deposits of shungite are found in Russia, but recently pockets have been found in Austria, India, the United States and the Democratic Republic of Congo.   


Shungite has been used throughout history for medical healing and treatments.  It is common legend that the Russian Tsar, Peter the Great, stopped with his army in the town of Karelia and the residents recommended that he bath in waters filled with the stones.  He was so refreshed after the bath that he gave his military water purified with shungite. He and many others believed that this was a major contributor to his multiple victories.  At St. Petersburg University in 2006, it was verified that the mineraloid does in fact act as a natural antibacterial substance.  In Russia today, they still use shungite to detoxify water.

Metaphysical Properties

• Calms and Ground the Mind for Better Focus

• Reveals Reality on Things that are Truly Important

• Draws Out Negative Energy

• Helps Recognize Toxic People and Things

• Brings Acceptance for Things that Make us Happy

• Reminds us to Rest and Take Your Time

• Draws out Negative Energies and Emotional Pains

• Rebounds Against Bad Luck

• Helps Ground and Calm the Mind When Used with Meditation 

Physical Healing

• Boosts Energy Levels

• Overall Pain Reliever

• Shields Against Electromagnetic Frequency

• Pacifies Insomnia

• Decreases Inflammation

• Improves the Immune System

• Promotes Cell Regeneration

• Natural Water Purifier 


• Root

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