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Sunstone Description

Sunstone Description

Sunstone, also known as “Heliolite” or “Stone of The Stars”, is associated with the brilliance of the sun and it embraces its deep connection with the giant ball of fire in the sky by accessing its life-giving power.  Harnessing the sun’s radiant energy, sunstone instills the same life sustaining energy in its owner.  Sunstone is an alchemical stone which uses its power of the light to turn lead (our wounds, shadow selves, illness) to gold (light, consciousness, health).  It is an inspiring stone which attracts good fortune, cheerful nature, heightened intuition, and joy.  At times, the mundane daily tasks of life take over and sunstone can help as it restores the sweetness of life and helps us to nurture ourselves.  Although its powerful light energy is most strongly associated with the Sacral Chakra, it successfully clears all of the chakras and allows the true self to shine through.  Sunstone brings back a true zest for life, and allows us to see situations and events from a positive and optimistic perspective rather than approaching situations from a negative mind space.  It can reverse feelings of failure, lift the mood, and detach us from feelings of being disadvantaged, depressed or being the victim.  Sunstone will give you the strength and power to say “NO” and assist in breaking away from those who drain your energy.  This capability makes it excellent in cutting energy cords or “hooks” from other people.  These attachments can be at the mental or emotional level and could have originated over time through life with friends, colleagues, lovers, children or overbearing parents.  When cutting ties is a necessary action, sunstone bestows the clarity and strength that is needed.  Its energies facilitate self-empowerment, independence, vitality and remove the need for co-dependency.  The root of procrastination is fear, and this twinkling gem of light helps to overcome procrastination and fears that are holding you back.  Its gift to us is drawing out heavy, repressed emotions so it can then transmute them.  Sunstone illuminates a clear path to those who are unsure of which way to turn next.  It’s a crystal of leadership that will spark the soul’s fire and help us to find our true purpose in this human experience.  Lastly, sunstone is highly recommended for those with seasonal affective disorder as it brings light to the darkness of winter. 




Sunstone was officially discovered in 1837 by JD Dana, however, its use has been documented by historians, geologists, and archeologists as having been coveted by various cultures for thousands of years.  Its name comes from the Greek word “Helios” which means sun, and the word “Lithos” which means stone.  It is a feldspar mineral that can include hematite, copper, and goethite.  The metallic sparkles within are called aventurescence which is caused by reflective inclusions of these other minerals, however, not all sunstone contains aventurescence.  Sunstone is a product of various geological processes that spanned millions of years.  Sunstone is considered rare, although it can be found in Canada, United States, Norway and India.  The state of Oregon named Sunstone as its official state gemstone. 


Various ancient cultures throughout history including the native Americans, Greek, Egyptians and Vikings highly valued the gem.  In ancient Greece, they believed the stone to have fallen from the sun during a solar eclipse and therefore was a gift from the Gods.  To them, sunstone was a symbol of the sun God Helios (Apollo) and was used in amulets and jewelry to bestow good fortune, prosperity, vitality and longevity.  In ancient Egypt, it represented the sun God Ra and was believed to invigorate the body.  According to a native American legend, a great warrior was wounded by an arrow and his blood dripped onto the stone which colored the sunstone with its beautiful tones of red and imbued the gems with sacred power.  The native Americans coveted the stone for its healing properties and used it for Medicine Wheel ceremonies, and healing rituals to cleanse the spirit and to bring about good luck.  They also believed it to have the ability to heal other people.  The Viking people revered the stone and in Norse mythology, it was believed that possessing the stone would allow easy access to Valhalla, the resting place of slain warriors.  It has been found in ship wrecks and was used by the Vikings at sea to act as a compass as the reflection of the light of the sun on the stone created guidance for them. 


Metaphysical Properties 

·         Nurtures the Spirit

·         Encourages Optimism, Enthusiasm and Courage

·         Increases Self-Worth and Confidence

·         Lifts Out Heavy and Repressed Emotions

·         Facilitates Self-Empowerment and Independence

·         Reverses Feelings of Failure

·         Removes Inhibitions and Hang Ups

·         Clears Negative Thought Patterns

·         Alleviates Stress

·         Removes Co-Dependency

·         Excellent for Cord Cutting and Cutting Ties

·         Inspires Joy and Happiness

·         Brings Luck and Abundance

·         Increases Energy and Vitality

·         Cleanses the Aura and Chakras

·         Deep Emotional Support 


Physical Healing

·         Boosts Metabolism

·         Stimulates Self-Healing Power

·         Regulates the Nervous System

·         Harmonizes the Organs

·         Treats Sore Throat

·         Relieves Stomach Ulcers

·         Effective for Seasonal Affective Disorder

·         Relieves Cartilage Problems and Rheumatism

·         Lifts Depression

·         Mitigates Aches and Pains


·         Sacral

Proper Care


To cleanse, use lukewarm running water and mild soap with a soft cloth.  Avoid harsh chemicals or ultrasonic cleaners.


You may place it next to or on selenite to spiritually cleanse.  Sage/smudging and palo santo will also cleanse your crystal and release negative energies. 


To charge, place in/on a selenite plate or bowl, place in the light of the sun, or the full moon for 6-8 hours. To amplify trolleite’s energy, place near Clear Quartz, wear with Clear Quartz, or place on a Clear Quartz plate. 





Sunstone is excellent when paired with other crystals to add or amplify its fabulous energetic gifts.  Pairings we recommend include, but are not limited to the following:


·         Sunstone and Amethyst (Alleviates Anxiety, Provides Clarity, Attracts Abundance, Calming)

·         Sunstone and Rose Quartz (Self-Love, Healing, Harmony, Joy, Abundance)

·         Sunstone and Sodalite (Self-Expression, Confidence, Calming, Empowerment)

·         Sunstone and Moonstone (Harmony of the Sun and Moon, Balancing, Peace, Independence)

·         Sunstone and Citrine (Prosperity, Abundance, Happiness, Guidance)

·         Sunstone and Carnelian (Energy Boosting, Creativity, Motivation, Balance)

·         Sunstone and Black Tourmaline (Grounding, Protection, Optimism, Confidence)

·         Sunstone and Red Jasper (Self-Assurance, Grounding, Stability, Inspiration)

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