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Super Seven Description

Super Seven Description

Also known as the “Melody Stone” or “Sacred 7”, this mineral is composed of seven crystals formed to make one stone.  The crystal is made up of amethyst, lepidocrocite, clear quartz, smoky quartz, geothite, cacoxenite and rutile and can only be found in one location on earth, Espirto Santus, Brazil.  The color combinations from each individual mineral can be seen in juxtaposition of each other translating to a beautiful and extremely rare crystal.  Its high value does sometimes have dealers creating imitations of the stone but an expert who can identify each mineral individually would be able to tell the difference between a genuine crystal and a fake. 




The history of super seven stone was not realized until the 20th century.  Not mentioned in any early lapidaries, this crystal was discovered in the 1990s.  The crystal was loved by the author Melody, who authored the book, “Love Is In The Earth”, which is one of the most comprehensive and revered lapidaries ever written.  The name Super Seven was trademarked in 2001 and gain popularity partly due to the her publication describing the crystal.  Miners in Espirito Santo, Brazil were so enthused by her inclusion of the super seven in the book that they commonly referred to the crystal as “Melody’s Stone”.  Today, this stone is considered one of the most powerful, high energy crystals in the metaphysical world.    


Metaphysical Properties 

·         Awakens and Grows All Physic Abilities

·         Provides Support to Grow in Your Spiritual Path

·         Helps to Improve the Intellect

·         Expands Your Awareness

·         Exposes Answers by Opening the Mind to All Possibilities

·         Great to Heal Heart Dealing with Trauma and Grief

·         Eases Tension in Difficult Times

·         Confirms Personal Strengths

·         Helps Release Negative Beliefs

·         High Energy Stone

·         Purifies Itself

·         Best Crystal to Connect with Spiritual Realm During Meditation

·         Unlocks A Channel to the Unconscious Mind 


Physical Healing 

·         Assists in Locating the Source of Illness and Disease

·         Beneficial for the Neurological and Immunological Systems

·         Reduces Inflammation

·         Heals Sickness Linked with Stress and Emotional Trauma

·         Strong General Detoxifier

·         Promotes Healthy Life Balance 



·         Root

·         Crown


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