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Tanzanite Description

Tanzanite Description

Rarer than diamonds, Tanzanite is found in only one locale in the world, Tanzania.  It boasts shades of blue, burgundy, brown and violet variants in its raw state and is considered trichroic, meaning that it shows three colors concurrently.  Tanzanite is known for its blue and violet hues, which only come to be through either natural heating beneath the ground, or artificial heat treating, in which both methods remove the brown/burgundy veil of the stone.  Heat treatment of this stone does not affect its metaphysical healing gifts, rather allows the beauty of the blue and violet hues to truly shine. 


This mystical stone is known for its ability to connect both the heart and the mind.  This allows for spiritual information and knowledge to be gained allowing one to better interpret emotional experiences and communicate in a more mindful way.  In stressful and challenging environments, the high vibrational energies of this stone help to maintain calmness, aide in effective communication and work through adversity.  Tanzanite is pure water energy, making it cleansing, purifying and detoxifying in nature.  It naturally eradicates old beliefs and negative patterns while awakening intuition, and heightened perception, allowing its owner a newly found spiritual knowledge and quiet strength.





Tanzanite was formed approximately 585 million years ago during the Ediacaran Period by gigantic plate tectonic activity and immense heat near the area that would eventually become Mount Kilimanjaro.  The mesmerizing gemstone is only found in the Simanjiro District of Manyara Region in Tanzania.  The mining area is only 7 km long and 2 km wide near the Mererani Hills.  The gemstone coined its name from Tiffany & Co. after Tanzania, the country in which it was originally found.  The Tiffany & Co. marketing department deemed the original name of “blue-violet zoisite” to not be consumer friendly, and therefore coined the name “Tanzanite” when they introduced the stone into the market in 1968.  Tanzanite also became an official December birthstone in 2002 by the American Gemstone Trade Association, which hadn’t changed its birthstone list since 1912. 


The gemstone was first discovered in July 1967 by Manuel de Souza, a part-time gold prospector living in Tanzania.  Manuel de Souza was notified by a group of Maasai herders who came across the blue crystals while tending to their livestock.  He originally thought it to be Peridot but soon after, concluded it was not.  He then sent samples of the stone to John Saul, a geologist and gemstone wholesaler who also could not identify it.  John then sent samples to his father Hyman Saul who at the time was Vice President of Saks Avenue in New York.  Hyman then decided to take the samples to the Geological Institute of America where the stone was officially identified as a new gem variety. 


No one is exactly sure how much Tanzanite there is remaining to be unearthed in Tanzania.  It is predicted by geologists that this magical gem will be mined out in the near future.  Once Tanzanite is gone, it will become a historic stone that is sought after by gem and mineral collectors throughout the world.   


Metaphysical Properties 

·         Encourages Self-Acceptance, Self-Love and Compassion

·         Helps to Overcome Fears

·         Eases Anxiety and Depression

·         Enhances Psychic Abilities

·         Transforms Negative Energies into Positive Ones

·         Connects the Mind and The Heart

·         Helps Activate the Spirituality Within

·         Pushes Consciousness to a Higher State

·         Aides in Mindful Communication

·         Stimulates Intuition and Perception

·         Fosters Emotional Healing

·         Boosts Psychic Abilities and Higher Consciousness

·         Brings about Wisdom and Spiritual Mastery


Physical Healing

·         Helps with Depression.

·         Boosts Immune System and Speeds Up Recovery after Illness

·         Facilitates Inner Calmness

·         Detoxifies and Regenerates Cells and Tissues

·         Supports Addiction Recovery




·         Third Eye

·         Throat

·         Crown 


Proper Care 


Warm soapy water is the best way to keep your Tanzanite clean.  Use a soft cloth to cleanse and pat dry.  Cleansing under warm water also works to energetically cleanse this crystal.  You may also use sage/smudging to cleanse your tanzanite crystal.    Place under the full moonlight, or place in/next to selenite or clear quartz to charge and amplify its energy.



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