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Topaz Description

Topaz Description

Topaz is mellow and compassionate gemstone with a rich history.  It uses its power to direct energies to where they are needed the most.  At times, we attempt to take complete control of our life’s destiny and force a specific outcome rather than accepting that the Universe will always bring forth what is in our best interest.  Even though our choices do play an integral role in where our path leads, the energies of Topaz can help us to relinquish that control that can hinder us. It will push to have faith and trust in the universe to realize that everything that happens to us is for our highest good.  The gentle energies of topaz help to illuminate the right path and steer us in the right trajectory of our goals and dreams.  Not only does it help us to believe and trust in the universe, but it also teaches us to “be” rather than “to do” and will dispel any doubt and uncertainty.  While on our life’s journey, it will bring joy, generosity, prosperity and good fortune.  The vibrations and soothing energies of Topaz are also excellent at cleansing the aura, producing relaxation, bring good health and mitigate tension and stress.  This alluring stone is a genius at giving us a philanthropic sense and pushes us to spread abundance and positivity to others.  It helps to interrelate minute details and the bigger picture so that we can live a more balanced and centered life.  With topaz at your side, it will crush all worries and fears, help to achieve goals and aspirations, attract the right people into your life, and guide you to a “knowing” that everything will always be ok and that life’s challenges and difficulties will always lead us to our best life. 




Topaz’s rich history dates back thousands of years, however it was officially discovered in 1737 in Germany, and then in Brazil in the 1740’s.  Even though the lore and legend of topaz was documented in the bible and in many cultures, the gemstone was easily confused with others until its official discovery.  Yellow gems were often considered to be topaz long before minerologists determined that topaz had a variety of colors.  In many cases, what was considered to be yellow topaz actually belonged to other mineral species and topaz most likely had been confused with other stones.  Ancient texts from the Greek scholar Pliny to King James, as documented in the King James Bible, referenced topaz, however, due to topaz not being officially identified until the 1700’s, these references were likely written about different gemstones.


The name topaz originates from the Greek name “Tapazios” which refers to a small island in the Red Sea today known as Zabargad.  Some scholars trace the name back to the Sanskrit word “Tapas” meaning “Fire”.  Topaz has a vitreous luster and is transparent.  It comes in a range of colors from yellowish-orange to red-pink, green, blue, clear and brown and can be found in multiple locations throughout the world.  It is a silicate mineral of aluminum and flourine.  Topaz in its natural state is colorless although it can be pale blue or golden brown to yellow.  The gemstone is often treated with heat or radiation to enhance its color to a deeper blue, reddish-orange, pale green or pinkish-red.  Topaz is most often associated with golden yellow or pale blue and is one of the hardest known minerals with a rating of 8 on the Mohs hardness scale. 


For centuries, the beliefs about Topaz have been linked to many ancient kingdoms.  Ancient Egyptians believed golden topaz was created by the sun god Ra, and it was known to bring protection.  Topaz was also coveted amongst the Portuguese where it was used to adorn the royal crown to symbolize power and wealth.  During the 19th century in Russia, the Rural Mountains were the largest source of topaz, with the pink topaz mined there named to honor the Russian Czar.  Ownership of the opulent gem was restricted to only the royal family.


During the Renaissance in Europe, it was believed that topaz could mitigate anger, break spells, and enhance mental powers.  Hindus considered the topaz to be sacred and felt that wearing a topaz pendant could being wisdom and longevity to one’s life.  Shamans in Africa frequently used topaz in healing ritual ceremonies and believed the stone to be sacred.  For centuries in India, the topaz worn above the heart would ensure a long life, beauty and wisdom.  English legend stated that topaz could cure lunacy, while the ancient Roman’s believed that topaz would protect while traveling, deter danger, and guard against poisoning.  During the middle ages, it was believed that attaching topaz to the left arm protected the owner from spells and would ward off the evil eye.  The ancient Greeks believed topaz would give them strength. 


With so many historical documented legends and beliefs attributed to topaz, it should be no surprise that it is a truly majestic and magical stone.  Today, its energies continue to be valued in spiritual and metaphysical practices in many places of the world.


Metaphysical Properties 

·         Promotes Truth and Forgiveness

·         Taps into Inner-Resources

·         Aligns the Body’s Meridians

·         Cleanses the Aura

·         Attracts Love and Good Fortune

·         Promotes Openness and Honesty

·         Fosters Success in Achieving Goals

·         Uncovers Lies and Illusions

·         Aides in Problem Solving

·         Supportive stone in Manifestation of Affirmations

·         Speeds Up Spiritual Development

·         Assists in Expressing Ideas

·         Stabilizes Emotions

·         Grounds the Body’s Physical Energy 


Physical Healing 

·         Aids in Digestion

·         Restores Taste and Stimulates the Taste Buds

·         Combats Anorexia

·         Stimulates Metabolism

·         Fortifies Nerves

·         Relieves Stress


In addition to the properties listed above, the following colors possess these additional attributes:


Blue Topaz: 

·         Good for Meditation and Connection to Spiritual Beings

·         Attunes to The Higher Self

·         Assists in Living for Aspirations

·         Promotes Truth and Wisdom

·         Heightens Psychic Abilities

·         Induces Creative Inspiration and Mental Clarity


Clear Topaz: 

·         Illuminates awareness of thoughts, deeds and kharmic debt

·         Purifies Emotions and Actions

·         Activates Cosmic Awareness

·         Removes Stagnant Energy

·         Dissolves Mental Attachments

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