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Tourmalinated Quartz Description

Tourmalinated Quartz Description

Tourmalated quartz is a clear quartz that has grown along together with tourmaline.  The translucence of the quartz shows the black tourmaline needles coursing through the stone showing off its beauty and unique character.    This crystal is also commonly called tourmalinated quartz or tourmaline quartz.  Although this quartz has a special, distinguishable charm, it is very common in the mineral world.  The opacity can range from completely clear to  mostly opaque, but the tourmaline is always on display.  Tourmalated quartz can be found anywhere in the world and is mined from deep within the earth to shallow pits, but the more stunning varieties are produced in Brazil.    


There is not a ton of documented history written about tourmalated quartz nor are there many legendary tales surrounding the stone like you might find with many other crystals in the mineral world.  The first documented use of tourmalated quartz was over two million years ago in Ethiopia.  The crystal was used  in tool making.  Today, the quartz is used to create jewelry, pieces of art and is used for the spiritual, emotional, and physical healing powers that are dually provided by the quartz crystal and tourmaline minerals that both exist with the crystal.  

Metaphysical Properties

• Great for Grounding

• Deflects Harmful Environmental Influences

• Harmonizes Energy and Spiritual Polarities

• Transfers Negative Energies into Positive Energies Creating Better Focus

• Effective in Open Mind for Problem Solving

• Alleviates Self Sabotage

• Eliminates Stagnate Patterns

• Melts Emotions Blockages Created by Overactive Mind

• Intensifies Awareness for Clear Intentions

• Powerful Conductor of Energies

• Harmonizes the Meridians, the Subtle Bodies and Chakras

Physical Healing

• Neutralizes Electromagnetic Frequencies and Radiation

• Treats Disorders of the Digestive Tract

• Strengthen Skeletal System

• Realigns the Spine and Vein Structure

• Helps with Cellular Regeneration

• Stimulates the Immune System

• Powerful General Detoxifier 


• Third Eye

• Root

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