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Trolleite Description

Trolleite Description

Trolleite is a more recent discovery and a relatively rare crystal.  It is known for its ability to help you connect to Universal energies and is ideal for use in spiritual awakening.  For those who are wanting to get to know their higher-self and embrace energies beyond the veil of 3rd dimensional existence, trolleite can assist as it elevates consciousness.  As your awareness begins to expand with the help of trolleite’s soothing, high vibration and gentle frequency, you will feel a new sense of mental clarity and expansion.  This ethereal crystal will open you to a whole new world where your awareness will shift, causing you to vibrate higher into new divine connection.  This new “knowing” helps us to unveil the soul’s purpose on planet Earth.  The sense of divine knowledge will help you to make clearer, wiser decisions in a calmer manner.  Trolleite is also excellent for dream recall, astral projection and a wonderful addition to meditation.  It’s a master at helping us to access the spiritual realm and aiding in exploration of the true expansiveness of life, the earth and the endless boundaries of the Universe.  Place trolleite near your bed, under your pillow, in a sacred space, or hold with intention during meditation.  It is also alluring, mellow and will surround you in magical energies when worn as jewelry. 




There is not a lot of documented history on trolleite because it has been so recently discovered.  It was uncovered for the first time in 1868 when a study of new specimens collected at the Vastana mine in Sweden took place.  Trolleite was identified as a new mineral species.  In 1869, it got its name from Blomstrand who named it trolleite to honor Swedish chemist Hans Gabriel Troll-Wachtmeister.  Originally it was thought to only exist in Sweden but has since been uncovered in new locals including Australia, Rwanda, Brazil and the USA.  Trolleite is a rare phosphate mineral which colors span from a light greenish blue to a deeper blue green often containing white.  It has a vitreous luster, is translucent, and often appears “greasy”.  When polished its shine is somewhat subdued but is no less exquisite.  Trolleite is a combination of quartz, lazulite and scorzalite.  The largest deposit is in the Minas Gerais region in Brazil where huge masses of trolleite can be located within quartz.  Its popularity amongst the crystal community is due to its attractiveness, energetic appeal and its ability to be shaped, polished, used in jewelry and ornamental decoration. 


Metaphysical Properties 

·         Induces Mental Clarity and Focus

·         Provides Spiritual Guidance

·         Chakra Balancing

·         Diminishes Anxiety and Stress

·         Lifts the Mood

·         Promotes Inner-Peace

·         Calming and Soothing

·         Elevates Peace of Mind

·         Connects with Spirit Guides and the Divine

·         Helps to Access Memories and Past Lives

·         Enhances Intuition and Psychic Abilities

·         Provides Guidance and Support

·         Aides in Communication and Self-Awareness 


Physical Healing

·         Relieves Pain

·         Promotes Restful Sleep

·         Alleviates Tension Headaches and Migraines

·         Calms the Nervous System and Reduces Nerve Pain

·         Enhances Vision and Reduces Vision Problems

·         Helps with Speech Impairment

·         Relieves Sciatica and Neuralgia

·         Strengthens Hair and Nails 



·         Crown

·         Third Eye

·         Throat 

Proper Care


To cleanse, use lukewarm water and mild soap with a soft cloth.  Avoid harsh chemicals or ultrasonic cleaners.


You may place it next to or on selenite to spiritually cleanse.  Sage/smudging and palo santo will also cleanse your crystal and release negative energies. 


To charge, place in/on a selenite plate or bowl, or place in the light of the full moon for 6-8 hours. To amplify trolleite’s energy, place near Clear Quartz, wear with Clear Quartz, or place on a Clear Quartz plate.  It also pairs wonderfully with moonstone.


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